On Site Drug & Alcohol Screening
Employers have a legislated responsibility to provide a healthy and safe working environment by identifying and managing hazards in the workplace. Employers can be proactive by undertaking the detection and management of the risks associated with the misuse of recreational drugs and alcohol amongst employees and contractors.
Workscreen offers a comprehensive drug and alcohol testing service and provides accredited staff for onsite drug and alcohol screening and laboratory screening and confirmation testing.
Benefits of On-site Testing
On-site testing is a time-saving and efficient method of testing. Your employees are not required to travel to a testing centre or wait in queues and waiting rooms. Importantly, on-site testing allows early detection of affected employees thereby reducing the risk to other employees and the workplace.​
Improve Workplace Safety
Fewer accidents and disciplinary actions
Improved employee morale due to a better and safer workplace
Assist employees to overcome or modify their patterns of use of such substances
Improve Productivity
Reduction in absenteeism
Earlier detection and resolution of problems affecting job performance
Cost Saving
Reduction in product/service defects
Reduction in health, property and liability insurance costs
Reduction in workers, compensation claims
"Drug and Alcohol misuse is estimated to cost Australian businesses billions of dollars annually and increases the risk of accidents and incidents in the workplace."
"Drug and Alcohol misuse affects productivity due to increased absenteeism, lateness, staff turnover, accidents, increased Workers' Compensation premiums and reduced performance."
"Nearly half of the workforce (47.8%) drink alcohol at levels associated with risk of harm at least occasionally and 11% do so frequently (at least weekly)."
Drug Detection Limits
Up to 2-3 days
Single use 2-7 days
Light use up to 20 days
Chronic use up to 90 days
Up to 2-3 days
(longer with chronic use)
Single use up to 3 days
Chronic use up to 20 days
Up to 4 days
Drug and Alcohol Testing Services
Point of care (POC) testing devices (urine & saliva) for on-the-spot drug testing
Tamper evident Urine Collection Kits
Alcohol testing and breath alcohol
Laboratory screening and confirmation of the five drug classes included in AS/NZS 4308:2008
Cannabinoids (i.e. marijuana)
Amphetamine substances (e.g. speed, ecstasy, methamphetamine, etc.)
Benzodiazepines (eg. valium, serapax etc.)
Opiates (e.g. codeine, heroin, morphine, etc.)​
Testing for other drugs on request (eg. barbiturates, methadone)​
On-site and laboratory adulteration testing
Compulsory Laboratory Testing for "Non-Negative" Results
The presence of a positive result when on-site or immunoassay is conducted should always be interpreted as being presumptive only (Non-Negative). Whilst the technique is considered highly specific, it is not infallible, as a number of substances other than those of interest may produce an initial presumptive positive result. Due to the presumptive nature, confirmation of the result by laboratory GC/MS or LC/MS, identification of the individual substance and quantity of the level present is mandatory (AS4308 requirement) if the result is legally challenged.